

2020歐洲影展報名表 Taiwan European Film Festival Registration Form


【歐盟中心2020年度鉅獻】 歐洲電影夜,繽紛你的12月!

  2020 Taiwan European Film Festival - Making Your December Colourful!





You are welcome to join the 2020 Taiwan European Film Festival in the venue: NSYSU.  In NSYSU, this event runs from December 1st to 30th.  

For registration, please fill out the form below. Your information will only be used when we need to contact you for this event, or when we make the attendee list, which will be provided in case of COVID-19 outbreak investigation.

Thank you!

Reminder for COVID-19 prevention: please cooperate to take your temperature before entering the venue, wear a mask throughout the event, and abide by social distancing seating arrangement. 


如有任何疑問,歡迎來電或來信詢問 For any inquiry, please feel free to contact us:

國際事務處 中山歐盟中心 NSYSU OIA European Union Centre

陳昭文小姐 Katie Chen

電話 Phone Number:(07) 525-2000 ext. 2634

Email: katiechen@mail.nsysu.edu.tw

(1) 本校學生格式範例:行傳所碩二    For NSYSU students, please fill out your department and grade.

(2) 本校教職員:請填入服務單位及職稱  For NSYSU faculty, please fill out your department and job title.

(3) 他校學生或校外人士:請於本欄位填入校名系級,或工作單位及職稱  If you are not a NSYSU student nor faculty, please fill out the name of your university, your department and job title.




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